Improving the quality of life for those battling a life-threatening illness in northwest New Jersey

Raise funds through community events and distribute the proceeds to individuals battling a life-threatening illness to improve the quality of their life.
Fostering and supporting community, spreading kindness, and serving others with compassion and empathy.
About us
The Celebrate Life Foundation was created in memory of Clare Boland Baier, who celebrated life to the fullest through love, kindness, and enjoying the little things.
Our community comes together in person and online to get active through bike rides, fun runs/walks and other events, promoting wellness while also raising money for future recipients.
When someone applies for or is nominated to receive financial support, they’re able to use the gifted funds to create a positive impact in their life. This could be anything from paying down medical bills or creating memories through celebrations and adventures, taking a moment’s break from being sick.
We believe in making small differences, one recipient at a time, and we appreciate your support.
Take the next
step today!
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
- Robert Brault

Clare's ride
Clare Boland Baier always lived life to the fullest each and every day. On October 25, 2013, out of nowhere, Clare had several seizures. Shortly after, she was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme, a rare and incurable Stage IV Brain Cancer.
On November 13, she underwent a major brain surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible. That surgery gave her more time, to make more memories and be with her family and friends a little longer. Clare suggested that on the 13th of every month, we should celebrate life. In memory of Clare and the extra time her surgery gave her to celebrate life, we invite you to celebrate life every day, but to celebrate life a little bit extra on the 13th of each month. We also hope you’ll contribute to this foundation to help others celebrate life.
Join us next time!
We build community awareness and raise funds through wellness-based events and we hope you’ll check out what’s coming next!
5k Fun Run & Ride
June 2025
Location: Virtual & Footbridge Park, Blairstown, NJ